If an admin (not a specific user) device password is lost, there are two ways to restore the password. The method to be used depends on the device and its currently installed firmware.
Note – Truvision Recorder /Camera and the machine with Truvision Navigator software must be on the same Network. If they are not on the same network, the device discovery feature will not pick up the device during search.
Step1: Download Truvision Navigator software (9.2) from the link below
Step 2: Install the software.
To login use the default credentials as below -
Username: admin
Password: admin
The software will prompt to change the password after first login, please feel free to create new password of your preference.
Step 3: Open Device Manager - Click on the three dots as circled in Red in the screenshot below, this opens a menu and click on Device manager.
Step 4: Click on Device Discovery
To Restore the Default Password (method 1):
- Select the device for password reset in the main Device Manager window.
Click Device Manager Tools, and then click the Reset Password tool button.
- Copy the complete serial number from the Device Serial No. field.
- Note the date shown in Live View. For some devices (e.g., TVR60), the hour shown in Live View is also required.
- Send the Serial Number and the Date and Time to Technical Support Team.
- Enter the Security key received from Technical Support Team in the Reset Code field and click Apply to restore the default password. The default password is 1234.
Note: The security key provided is related to the date (or hour in the case of TVR60) of the serial number that was sent to Technical Support Team and expires the day it was created. We recommend resetting the device password immediately after receiving the security key.
To set a new password using an XML file (method 2):
- Select the device for password reset in the main Device Manager window.
Click Device Manager Tools, and then click the Reset Password tool button.
- Click Export Reset File in the Reset Password window to save the XML file, and then email the file to Technical Support. Technical Support will provide a new XML file.
- Save the XML file received from Technical Support Team on the computer, click Browse, and select the new XML password file.
- Type a new password and then confirm it in the New Password and Confirm Password fields. Click Apply.
Note: Do not restart the device after the password recovery XML file has been exported, otherwise the steps above must be repeated. The password recovery XML file expires after 48 hours.
Please note, the two processes defined above are critical, as the Password Change Interface will only prompt you whether the Password change entered is strong enough or not, but ‘Will Not’ prompt you whether the password change is acceptable or not.
- Password needs to be 8-16 characters long.
- Password needs to be a mixture of letters, numbers, symbol/s.
- Password needs to at least consist of one letter that is a Capital.
- Password needs to contain a Symbol of any of the following: _-, * @ / $? ( )
Examples: admin1234! (Not Acceptable)
Admin*1234 (Acceptable)
If the requirements listed above is not followed for the password reset/ change process – The Password Reset Interface will not work and will prompt the user that the “Password Reset Failed’. This does NOT necessarily mean the ‘Recovery Code/ xml File provided is not working, it could also mean that the ‘New Password Change’ entered was not accepted.
If using Device Manager v9.0.2.62, you must exit out of the application once the password reset is completed when working with multiple devices.
Troubleshooting guide:
- If you have downloaded the Navigator software, opened device manager, trying to trace the recorder, and if you can’t find the recorder, please check whether the recorder is on the same network as PC. If not, please connect the recorder and the PC to the same network switch.
- If password reset file fails couple of times, make sure you are using the strong password and satisfying the above-mentioned requirements.
- If it still fails, then reboot the recorder and send the xml file to technical support team for generating new reset file.
- If the recorder and PC are on the same network, and if you still can’t trace the recorder, then try to browse the recorder using it’s IP address in the browser. If you can see the reorder’s login page that means, it is on the same network, if you can’t view the login page, then there are some network settings/ restrictions which needs to be modified, please contact customer’s IT team.
- Please note after generating a reset file, do not perform to reboot the recorder, if you reboot the recorder for any reason, then please send us new reset file.