Users may experience an issue if using a soft time zone.
A soft time zone is a conditional time zone and is controlled by a relay. When the programmed relay is active – the soft timed zone is active. Soft Time Zones are also referred to as Time Zone to Follow Relays.
There is no ‘start time’ or ‘end time’ with Soft Time Zones.
If the soft time zone is assigned to an alarm or door group, the functions of that group are only enabled when the assigned relay is active. A soft time zone can only be used with doors 1 to 16. Four Door and Four lift controllers cannot be assigned soft time zones.
Soft Time zones are numbered from TZ 26 – 41.
To try and prevent users assigned a particular Door Group gaining access through a door when the area they are trying to enter is ARMED.
Step 1 - Assign Area a new Accessed Event Flag then press TAB key. Label the event flag “Area "X" Access Denied Event Flag”.
Step 2 - Create a new Relay "X" (an unused virtual relay), assign the new accessed Event Flag from Step 1. Label the relay “Area "X" Access Denied Relay”.
The relay should be Non-Inverted so the relay will be normal state when the area is armed.
All descriptions ‘Area "X" Access Denied’
8 Go to Challenger>TZ to Follow Relays
Step 3.Create a new Soft Time Zone, label as ‘Area X Access Denied.’ Relay to effect TZ would be relay X
Step 4. - Create new Door Group 4, label as ‘Access Denied Area 2 Armed’ assign the door group Doors 1 & 2 with Soft Time Zone 26.
Create a new Alarm Group - Areas 1 and 2 with Arm/Reset only.
Assign User 3 - Door Group 4 and the new Alarm Group, then SAVE.
Soft Time Zone Operation:
When Area X is Accessed/Disarmed the Accessed Event Flag X is ON. When Event Flag X is ON Relay X is ON. When Relay X is ON the Time Zone to Follow Relays (Soft Time Zone) no. X is ON. When Soft Time Zone X is ON the new Door Group X assigned Doors with TZ X will allow users with Door Group access through the doors.