Using Titan to direct connect to a Tecom Challenger v8
To Direct Connect to Challenger Panel via a laptop computer (or similar) you will need to follow the
following rules:
Challenger System Wiring Details
Each site is treated as a different system, not as Challengers with-in the same system
Step 1
Select FILE, OPEN/SYSTEM - a SYSTEM box will open. There are 4 default systems containing factory settings of Challenger panels. You may use these or you can create new ones.
Note:- The icons at the top of the SYSTEM box (move your mouse over them to reveal their function). Select System 1and press the SAVE (or F3) icon.
Step 2
Now select ADMIN, PORTS - a box opens showing PORT 2, you can change the comm ports within port 2 to whatever port you wish, select 4800, Direct and press SAVE (or F3).
Step 3
Select ADMIN, CHALLENGER - a box will open showing Challenger information Each system has Challengers for that site only. Enter the details for the Panel,. Tick “Direct” and ensure the PORT is
correct and press SAVE (or F3).
Step 4
Because Titan can communicate with more than one panel at a time we must identify each Panel. Go to the Comms Menu (9) on the Tecom Panel and make the Computer Port [0001].
Step 5
Plug the cable into J15, go to a RAS and type
MENU [code] ENTER [7] ENTER [code] ENTER [5] ENTER
Step 6
On TITAN select FILE, OPEN/SYSTEM again. Tick the Active System box and press SAVE (F3). When you are connected, one of the four circles on the bottom right of the screen will now FLASH GREEN indicating you are connected.
What if you can’t connect – check the following:-
• Make sure that the Security Password is the same as in the panel and the number of Security
attempts is set to 255 (Installer Menu 29) re-enter these to be sure!
• Check the Computer Address is set to 0001 (Installer Menu 9)
• Check you cable
• Reboot the computer and/or Panel. -
• Re-do step 6 to reconnect