This article is a quick guide on how to program up smart cards with a Smart Card Programmer (SCP). This assumes that the SCP is online with TITAN.
When the SCP is online, on TITAN, the port light where the SCP is connected to at the bottom right hand side of the screen should be green and flashing
And the LED on the on SCP will change from Red to Amber.
Once connected in Titan , go to:-
Admin > Card Programmer. You will get the following options.
Go to System Properties
In CTPlus, go to -
Smart Card Programmer > Site Setup
Click on the tick box highlighted below :
In this section, the most important fields are the Card Security Password and the Card Site Code Ranges. These has to be filled in for the cards to be programmed.
Card Security Password is for you to add. Integers can not be greater than 127. Please remember to record this somewhere as if for some reason this is lost, THERE IS NO WAY OF RECOVERING THIS INFORMATION.
Card Site Code Ranges has to be in the range of 1 to 2047. Do not make the mistake of putting a 0 on the MIN section.
To Program a Configuration Card
In Titan
Go to Admin > Card Programmer > Write Reader Config Card
Most options here can be left as default, but i would like to highlight the importance of the fields in red.
Reader address - You can add a value in there (1-16), but if you leave it blank it becomes a master Config Card, which programs the reader address depending on how many times you badge the card on the reader.
Protocol Options - This HAS TO BE WIEGAND. Do not change this to any other options or else the card will not configure the readers properly.
In CTPLus -
To Program a User Card
In Titan, Go to Users > Users > Card Issue tab
Ensure the card number and site code is correct. These details should be auto-generated by TITAN. Press Write on the bottom left of the screen to write onto card.
In CTplus, Go to User Access > Users > Cards , click on + button