When converting a V8 to Challenger 10 in Titan, it is important to understand that the Challenger 10 only uses IUM (raw card data) cards.
During the conversion to Challenger 10, Titan will detect if the users have IUM data, and if not, automatically convert the existing User ID and site code users into IUM format.
This document does not apply to existing IUM V8 Challengers, as they are already in the correct format.
Before Conversion
Before you convert to Challenger 10 you will need to know the card format of the cards that are being used on site. The supported formats that Titan will automatically convert are 26-bit Weigand, 27-bit (Tecom Smart Cards), 34-bit Hughes and 35-bit Hughes.
Once the format is identified, you will need to select that format in the IUM Format, under Admin > Challenger > Options Tab.
Figure 1: Challenger Options Tab
The format selected here will be user to convert the users Card No. and Site Code into Challenger 10 compatible IUM format. Now proceed with the conversion, and the users will migrate correctly.
After Conversion
If the V8 to Challenger 10 conversion has already occurred, but an IUM format was not selected, then your cards may not download to the Challenger. They are in Titan, but only have Card Number and Site Code, but no IUM Data.
To correct this, we can use the Update Raw Card Data function, found under the Users menu in Titan.
In this tool, you can select the card range, site code, offset and card format that matches the existing cards for the system. This tool will then create the Raw Card Data (IUM Data) and add it to the users Card Issue screen. You can now download this card data to the Challenger 10 by simply downloading the users.
Figure 2: Update Raw Card Data