Ensure you are using a USB drive which has been formatted as FAT32 in a different PC. (Note: NTFS formatted drives are not compatible). Some USB drives formatted in Windows 10 or 11 may not work either, as Windows 10 and 11 use a different formatting method, so you may also find you need to use a USB stick formatted from Windows 7 (or try finding an old USB stick that hasn't been formatted since Windows 7).
Mounting the drive:
- Login to Forcefield.
- Go to: Main menu > Database > Computer Equipment > Storage > Disk Storage.
- In the ID field, enter the name to give this drive (i.e: "Backup Thumb Drive").
- Select the Node as the node number in which you are inserting the USB drive.
- Set the Type to "FAT32" (if FAT32 fails to mount, use "FAT32L").
- In the Hardware dropdown, select USB (Drive needs to be plugged in to the Forcefield PC)
- Save this record. The USB drive is now available for backups and reports.