This article describes the process of exporting users from CTPlus, and converting the export into a format that can be read by WMS Pro (using the xlsx spreadsheet attached to this article), and then importing them into WMS Pro.
- User names will be matched to cardholders by their card data. So only users with card data will have their names matched up to the cardholders in WMS Pro.
- You will also need Microsoft Excel to be able to open and use the spreadsheet attached to this article, to perform the conversion.
Exporting users from CTPlus
This section describes how to export your users from CTPlus into a CSV file (comma separated spreadsheet format).
To do this, perform the following steps:
- Open CTPlus, and activate the system you want to export users from
- Click on the 'User access' tab, then 'Users' to open the 'Users' form.
- Click on the 'Record list' button to show all User records
- Select all records by clicking on the first user, and then pressing Shift+End (the "Shift" and "End" keys on your keyboard), or by scrolling down to the bottom, then holding the shift key, and clicking on the last user.
- Right-click on the selected list of users, and click 'Report', then once it finished compiling the report, select 'CSV'.
- The report will be saved to a CSV file.
The CSV file that was created will usually be saved into your Documents folder under: "Documents\CTPlus\Reports\" unless you saved it to another location.
Converting the CTPlus export ready for WMS Pro
This section covers the steps required to convert the CTPlus user export created in the section above, into a format that can be used by WMS Pro.
This section requires using Microsoft Excel, and the spreadsheet file "WMS Pro Cardholder import converter.xlsx" that you will find attached to this article (at the bottom).
Steps for conversion:
- Download the "WMS Pro Cardholder import converter.xlsx" spreadsheet file that is attached at the bottom of this article.
- Open the "WMS Pro Cardholder import converter.xlsx" file with Microsoft Excel.
- IMPORTANT: If you see a "SECURITY WARNING" banner, click on the 'Enable Content' button before proceeding. This will usually appear as a bar under the toolbar that looks somewhat like this:
Method 1 - Placing the CTPlus export in C:\temp\
If you have access to create a folder on your C: drive, then you may use this method. If you don't, instead try Method 2 further below.
- Create a C:\temp\ folder, and copy the exported file from your CTPlus export into this folder.
- Rename the CTPlus exported file to remove the date part from the name, so it should now be just "CTPlus_Users_report". The full path of this file will now be: "C:\temp\CTPlus_Users_report.csv" (you may not see the .csv extension if you don't have 'show extensions' turned on, and that is fine).
- Now back in the Excel workbook, click on the 'Data' tab along the top menu bar, then click 'Refresh All':
- Now proceed to the section "Saving the Excel workbook into a format ready for WMS Pro" further below (skipping Method 2 if this method worked for you).
Method 2 - Pointing the Excel workbook to the CTPlus export
If you were unable to use Method 1 above, instead use this method to point the Excel workbook to CTPlus export you made in the earlier section.
- In the Excel workbook, click on the 'Data' tab along the top menu bar, then click 'Queries & Connections':
- In the 'Queries & Connections' pane that opens, right-click on 'CTPlus_Users_report', then select 'Edit' to open the Power Query Editor.
- Ignore any DataSource errors saying that it couldn't find the file, this is not a problem at this stage.
- In the toolbar for this window, click the 'Data source settings' button. The 'Data source settings' button looks like this:
(in some versions of Excel, in the 'Query Settings' pane on the right, click on the cog icon next to 'Source')
- In the pop-up 'Data source settings' window, select the existing file shown, and then press the 'Change Source...'. In the pop-up window, click the 'Browse...' button next to the 'File path' field, and select the CTPlus user report CSV file you generated in the previous section of this article, then click on 'OK', and then 'Close' on the 'Data source settings' window:
- Click 'Close & Load' under the 'Home' tab, and you should be returned to the workbook with your data loaded.
Saving the Excel workbook into a format ready for WMS Pro
- Delete this 'README' tab of the spreadsheet, by right clicking on it, and choosing 'Delete':
- Now save the spreadsheet using 'Save As', and selecting 'CSV' as the format:
This file is now converted ready to be imported into WMS Pro in the next section of this article.
Importing into WMS Pro
This section describes the process of importing the converted data into WMS Pro
- Log in to WMS Pro.
- Navigate to Cardholders.
- Click on 'Import cardholder names':
- Press the 'Choose file' button, and choose the file you saved in the previous section.
- Click the 'Import' button, and the import will occur.
The process is now complete.
User names will be matched to cardholders by their card data. So only users with card data will have their names matched up to the cardholders in WMS Pro.
See the attached spreadsheet below: