There have been some instances where the incorrect Windows driver has loaded for Challenger10 USB connections.
In a correct install you should see "Challenger Com Port (Com...)" Under Device manager - Ports
If you do not see this you will need to do the following.
1, Ensure you have a minimum of Titan 3.2 installed
This can be checked via Titan in Help>About , You should see: Version TS9002-R03.02.00 (R03.02.00 = version 3.2)
If you have any version below 3.2 you will need to: Upgrade to a newer version.
2, Update the driver
The working for this will change between Windows versions but the action remains the same.
Right mouse click "My Computer" or "Computer" and select manage.
This will open Computer Management, select "Device Manager"
In Device Manager find the current driver, right mouse click it and select update driver,
select NO to Windows Update and select install from a specific location.
Select "search for the best driver in these locations" point it to C:\Program Files(x86)\Tecom\bin and tick the include sub-folders option if available.
Press Next > and this should find and load the correct driver
For further issues with Challenger10 USB connection we recommend Upgrading to the latest Firmware