The TITAN application will not start, and displays an error.
This is often caused by the TITAN application being shut-down incorrectly.
For information on how to prevent this from occurring, see How to reduce database corruption in Titan.
If your system crashes and your TITAN single-user database is corrupted, you can use the TITAN Verify and Rebuild Utility to rebuild your database.
TITAN Verify & Rebuild window.
To rebuild your database, do the following:
- Backup your database. Copy the "Db" folder " found at C:\Program Files\Tecom\ to a safe location on the PC.
- Click Start > Programs > TITAN Security System > TITAN Verify & Rebuild, and the window above will appear.
- Click Start. TITAN will then scan each database and verify that it is not corrupted.
- If it finds the database is corrupted, it will rebuild it and will attempt to fix any problems with the database.
- When the TITAN Verify and Rebuild Utility is finished it will display the message “No unrepairable error(s) were Detected”.
- (This step is NOT Recomended For Titan 3.0 and above) Go to step 7.
- Look under C:\Program Files\Tecom\db\
Corrupted files with be marked with an underscore character (for example, alarm.mb will become alarm_.mb). Delete all files that are marked with an underscore, EXCEPT for the following files: config_01, config_01.px, config_01.val, eol_resistor, eol_resistor.px and eol_resistor.val. <----DO NOT DELETE THESE FILES
- Restart TITAN after this process has been completed.
If the issue still occurs:
- Acknowledge any errors and ensure TITAN is closed.
- In a Windows file viewer (either 'My Computer' or 'Computer') use the search function and search all files and folders on C: for "PDOXUSRS.NET".
- If there are no search results, look in "C:\" or "C:\Program Files\Tecom\" for that file.
- If the file does not exist, that's ok.
- When located, delete the PDOXUSRS.NET file.
- Restart Titan.
Still Occurring?
Please contact your Distributor / Support Agents for further assistance.