This article guides you through how to use CTPlus to find the Serial Number of a panel, as opposed to the SID, also called the UltraSync Serial Number, which is the registration number used for connecting or registering with UltraSync.
It is important to note that for some releases of Tecom panels (ChallengerPlus panels labelled as TS-CHPLUS on the board, and the first 50 Discovery panels released), the physical Serial Number of the panel is different to the SID number that is shown, and is a uniquely generated number that is different from the Serial Number of the board.
For these TS-CHPLUS boards, on the label you will find both a printed Serial Number, and SID separately.
At the date of writing this article, CTPlus currently displays the SID (UltraSync Serial Number) in the Panels window on the Communications tab. While for most panels this will be the same as the panel's Serial Number, for the panels described above, this will be a different number.
This is the standard Panels > Communication location to view the UltraSync Serial Number:
In the example above, the SID / UltraSync Serial Number is shown. This number is NOT the panel Serial Number of the board itself.
This article describes how to find the panel's Serial Number in these scenarios.
How to view the panel's Serial Number
To view the physical Serial Number of the board, follow the following steps:
- In CTPlus, ensure you are connected to the panel
- In the right hand Status and control window, right click on the panel, and choose Diagnostics > Diagnostics... as shown in the screenshot below:
- Now at the bottom of the Diagnostics window, click the drop down box, and select "Comm device" as shown in the screenshot below:
- The "Ethernet name" field will contain the physical Serial Number of the panel. Ignore the first characters and dash at the start ("CH-" for Challenger panels and "DI-" for Discovery panels), and just read the numerical part.
This will provide the correct physical Serial Number of the board.